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드와이어 / 집진기,공조기

집진기 다이아프램 밸브

페이지 정보

Model : TS/TC 시리즈  조회1,390회



Operation Voltage​.

100/110 Volt 50/60Hz
200/220 Volt 50/60Hz
DC 24 Volt 


Operating Principle.

It is divided into upper and lower by main diaphragm.
When electricity is supplied, the coil becomes magnetized.
Pull up the plunger inside the core tube.
Then the compressed air in the upper part falls into the air passage.
As a result, the pressure at the top is lowered.
The compressed air is pulsing,
it pulled up the Main Diaphragm with pressure pushing from the bottom.
When Coil loses electrical power, the plunger closes,
the main diaphragm closes as compressed air is drawn in.



에스에스테크놀로지㈜  Tel : 02-803-3030  Fax : 02-804-3031  H.P : 010-9880-3075  Mail : jik0421@naver.com
서울시 금천구 디지털로 10길 78, 가산테라타워 412호  대표이사 : 조인광  사업자번호 : 701-88-00590

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